Birth Of A Bridge



Not too long ago I created a comic series about Joshua Abraham Norton, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. It was a very interesting topic due to Emperor Norton being an extremely interesting man. The ideals he held and the principles by which he led his life represented then and now a sense of unity and equality despite cultural diversity and the inherent differences amongst people. I was honored to be asked to contribute a ‘perspective’ to a wonderful website that is trying to honor the man and his legacy. Please take some time to visit the site and also support its cause. FT 🙂

The Norton Virus

The Norton Virus

Well, this is the last part of the series about Joshua Abraham Norton, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. I would encourage you to read more about this most interesting man. They should make a beer commercial about him. FT 😛

Emper-oni Norton

Emper-oni Norton

Yes, the long awaited part 3 of the Emperor Norton series. Yes, another groaner. Like I mentioned, I had fun making this series. This series happened by chance when I asked randomly about whom I should make the next series. Emperor Norton was the first (and only) response I got. I think it is really cool that people are keeping this interesting man’s legend alive. FT 😀

Here is a great site to check out: