The Norton Virus

The Norton Virus

Well, this is the last part of the series about Joshua Abraham Norton, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. I would encourage you to read more about this most interesting man. They should make a beer commercial about him. FT 😛

Emper-oni Norton

Emper-oni Norton

Yes, the long awaited part 3 of the Emperor Norton series. Yes, another groaner. Like I mentioned, I had fun making this series. This series happened by chance when I asked randomly about whom I should make the next series. Emperor Norton was the first (and only) response I got. I think it is really cool that people are keeping this interesting man’s legend alive. FT 😀

Here is a great site to check out:

Ask Gene Hackman

Ask Gene Hackman

My friend Lee Barham wrote to Gene a while back. Here is the letter. I was lucky to have met Lee last year in London. He and I and my dad went out for dinner. His ‘falling asleep on the train’ story made me laugh. His short film “Autumn Leaves” is excellent. Funny, dark and clever. Here is the link, go watch it please. FT 🙂



Here is another film based comic. I am sure most of you will get it right away. Citizen Kane was a very famous film. It was voted one of the top 100 films of all time. Come out to play. FT 😀

A Royal Tantrum

A Royal Tantrum

Here is a filler comic. I made it as part of my class presentation for American History. I was unable to get the next of the ‘Emperor Norton’ series completed for today, but it will be done for Friday. In the meanwhile, brush up on your Stamp Act knowledge, or better yet, learn about the Townshend Acts of 1767 which were named after Pete Townshend of the Who. FT 😀